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Student Led Conference Sign-up!

It is now time to sign-up for your student led conference. At the SLC your scholar will present to you evidence of their success in school in a 20-minute meeting between you, your student, and your scholar’s homeroom teacher. They will lead you through the work they have completed, their habits of leadership and their…

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Weekly Family Update

Greetings CLA-EAST Families!   Last week we received some exciting news from the Ohio Department of Education released the Report card grades for districts and schools. I am proud to announce that we received an overall grade of “B” on our state report card. A complete breakdown of state scores can be found on the…

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After-school Club Assignments

Families, Here is the updated roster for after-school assignments. Session #1; September 10th thru October 5th. Clubs Roster Session I_student assignments

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Curriculum Night

Wednesday, September 12, 2018 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm Join us for a night of learning and fun! Cruise through classrooms to learn about what our scholars are doing in class and create your very own class product. Dinner will be provided

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Weekly Family Updates

Greetings CLA-EAST Families!   What a great three day weekend. I hope everyone had a chance to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather and spend time with family and friends. I’d like to thank all the parents and guardians for your support last week. The phone calls, emails, and class visits show your dedication…

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Homework 8/28/18

6th Grade: Math: True or False Ratio Worksheet Science: None Social Studies: Practice labeling World Map ELA: Read 20 minutes out of Independent Reading Book and reminder that Book review is due Friday   7th Grade: Math: Fractional by Fractional Quotients Homework Science: None Social Studies: Recruitment Poster Project ELA: Read & Annotate NewsELA Article

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Ready Set Go: Your Turn!

Hello families! We are now going into week three of the new school year and I hope you have experienced a wonderful start. As a new member of the Breakthrough family I hope you have enjoyed the activities, books, and information I have shared with you via the Ready, Set, Go communication series. It certainly…

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Weekly Family Update

Greetings CLA-EAST Families! I hope that everyone enjoyed their weekend and are now ready for another strong week. As we move into our third week of the school year, I’d like to send a special thank you to all the families. Last week we saw a big shift in attendance and we are currently averaging…

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Weekly Family Update – 8/19/2018

Greetings CLA-EAST Families! You did it! We did it! We made it through the first week of the school year, but just like I told the staff at our Friday PD; we shouldn’t settle for making it through. Our goal is to build a strong and sustainable culture at our school and we need your…

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Ready Set Go: Summer Week 8

With the start of school next week (the week of August 13th), I have been reading several articles about getting students off to a good start.  I recently read an article titled 7 things to tell the teacher about your child.  The article focused on the valuable insights a parent/guardian can give a teacher to…