Breakthrough Public Schools!


We're so glad you're interested in learning more about our schools. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us or call (216) 367-5720.

Please note, fields with a * are required.

Your Information

*Which Breakthrough School are you most interested in?

Your Child's Information

*First Name
*Last Name
*Grade Interested In

(Optional) Second Child's Information

First Name (Child 2):
Last Name (Child 2):
Grade Interested In (Child 2):

(Optional) Third Child's Information

First Name (Child 3):
Last Name (Child 3):
Grade Interested In (Child 3):

(Optional) Fourth Child's Information

First Name (Child 4):
Last Name (Child 4):
Grade Interested In (Child 4):

See Our Schools in Action, Schedule a Tour!

We would love for you to come and walk our halls and see firsthand what it looks like to be a part of the Breakthrough community.
Sign up for a personal tour at any of our campuses and see what makes our schools different.

What Parents are Saying