Search Results

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CLA and the Ebola event in Cleveland

At CLA, the protection of your child from danger is our utmost priority.  With the recent Ebola alert in Cleveland, we felt it was appropriate to provide this information from Senders Pediatrics in South Euclid.    

Eisner Prize 2014

Intergenerational Schools Win 2014 Eisner Prize for Intergenerational Excellence!

We are thrilled to announce that our Intergenerational Schools have been selected as the 2014 recipient of The Eisner Prize for Intergenerational Excellence! The Eisner Foundation supports and promotes organizations working to unite ‘multiple generations, especially seniors and youth, to bring about positive and lasting changes in their community.’ Thanks to all the Intergenerational students,…

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Box Tops Fundraiser

  Welcome back to school! I’m thrilled to be the Box Tops for Education® Coordinator for Citizen Leadership Academy. Box Tops is such an easy way for parents to get involved in their child’s education. Just by purchasing Box Tops products, clipping the coupons and sending them into school, we earn cash that can be…

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Fall Break Letter

October 7, 2014,   Dear CLA Families, You should each be incredibly proud of your scholar for successfully completing three interim exams. All students were focused and took their time on each assessment. Today the students took a step back from testing and had the opportunity to participate in various fieldwork. The 6th graders attended…


Opening doors to college: University-themed classroom doors show college as a real goal, not an impossibility.

We were thrilled to read about our E Prep school’s “College Doors” on the front page of the Plain Dealer! Here is a snippet of the story: Opening doors to college: University-themed classroom doors show college as a real goal, not an impossibility. CLEVELAND, Ohio – September 29, 2014 – by Patrick O’Donnell, The Plain…

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CLA Construction Updates

Citizens Leadership Academy families,   Citizens Leadership Academy has been working with Terrace construction and the City of Cleveland to minimize any disruptions to the CLA school day.  The construction crew knows when arrival and dismissal occur at CLA and will do their best to minimize their presence during those times.  We have been working…

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Interim Exams

Tuesday, September 30, 2014   Dear CLA families,   As noted on the school calendar and mentioned during Curriculum Night, this week is our first round of interim exams in English, math, social studies (6th grade), and science (7th and 8th grade).  The interims will contain a variety of multiple-choice questions (1 point each), extended-response…

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October CLA2HS

  September 26th, 2014   Dear CLA Students, Parents, Guardians and Families, I can hardly believe it is already October!  Please read the following updates and reminders regarding open houses, shadow days, entrance exams, and financial aid forms.   Attached is a calendar showing most of the high school open house dates that are scheduled in…

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September CLA2HS Letter

      September 2, 2014   Dear CLA Parents, Guardians and Families, I hope that your student has had a great start to their eighth grade year at Citizens Leadership Academy.  In order to ensure that we are all on the same page, I will send home monthly letters and calendars to keep you…

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September PAC Meeting

Families, please view the September 17th PAC flier here: September PAC flier.