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Weekly Family Update

Greetings CLA-EAST Families! Our school year is 1/3 complete with tomorrow being the first day of the second trimester! Our scholars had a great charge to finish the first trimester…

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Weekly Family Updates

Greetings CLA-EAST Families! The end of the first trimester is upon us and everyone is looking to wrap on a high note. In many of our classrooms, teachers have been…

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PAC Meeting 10/16/18 @ 5:15pm


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Family Weekly Updates

Greetings CLA-EAST Families! I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and ready for another strong week of work. Last week we introduced bully-awareness month and plans for the month. For CLAE…

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Weekly Family Update

Greetings CLA-EAST Families!   It’s always nice to get away for a few days however I am ready to get back to teaching and learning. I think for many of…

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Student Led Conference Sign-Up

It is now time to sign-up for your student led conference. At the SLC your scholar will present to you evidence of their success in school in a 20-minute meeting…

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Weekly Family Update

Greetings CLA-EAST Families!   I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend of family and friends. With a few remaining weeks of good weather, I hope everyone takes advantage. As we enter…

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High School Fair

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Spirit Week at CLA-EAST

Attention all CLA-EAST families! This week is spirit week at school. This is a time for our scholars to dress up and have fun all week long. Take a look…

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Weekly Family Update

Greetings CLA-EAST Families! Can you believe we are entering our 7th week of school? This means we are half-way through the first trimester. Although we have come a long way,…