Weekly Family Updates – February 26, 2017
Greetings CLA-EAST Families!
We are in our final week of the 2nd trimester and headed for the final trimester of the school year. Yes! Can you believe it? Our first year together is nearly over. This last trimester is a very important one for use as a school. Beginning in April, our scholars will be taking the Ohio State Assessment in Math and English. We have all lived through the angst of this very important assessment. As a school, we have begun preparing for this time. There are extra tutoring sessions being created, small study groups being formed, and individualized success plans being created for some scholars. We are in need of volunteers to come in and work with individual and small groups of scholars in math and reading. If you are available we would love to have your help. Please contact me at the schools’ main phone number or email me to get set up.
Finally, I want to shout out our 2018 basketball team as they finished second in the overall team standings. They played hard all season long and lost a close game to Pinnacle Academy in the league championship game. Thank you to everyone for their support of our Tigers and we look forward to next year.
Yours in Education,
Ricardo Franklin, Sr.
Founding Principal
Academic Updates
This week in Math, your scholar will continue their work with integers.
In Social Studies, your scholar will continue their studies on world religions specifically sacred sites.
In Science, your scholar will continue their work with elements.
In ELA, your scholar will continue reading the novel Wonder while also working to cite textual evidence to support and an analysis of what the text says
Tutoring: Tutoring is Monday thru Thursday in Math, Reading, and Writing. Be sure to check with your scholar and the main office to know what day your scholar receives tutoring.
School Culture Updates
This week in crew we are exploring a new habit of leadership, courage. We will be discussing what it means to have courage and how it answers our 6th-grade essential question, “What makes a community grow?”  I invite all of our parents to join in on the discussions this week and every week during crew. Crew times are 7:45 am to 8:15 am daily.
Last week you may have received a phone call from your scholar informing you they have received an afterschool detention for not completing their homework. The no homework, no entry policy was put in place to encourage scholars to do their homework. Scholars who failed to complete their homework for a class will report to the main office where they will make the phone call home. During these afterschool detentions, scholars will be given the opportunity to complete the missed work, so think of it as a “homework club”. Failure to turn in homework has a direct correlation to class failure. CLAE scholars who fail to turn in homework miss an average of 10 points a per-class per-day. That’s 50 points per week for one class or 200 points for the week in all four content classes. That’s a lot of points and could be the difference between a “C” or an “F”. Please help support us by ensuring your scholar is doing homework each night.
Operations, Special Events & Updates
- 3/2—End of the 2nd Trimester also PD Day, (no school for students)
- 3/5 – Chipotle Fundraiser
- 3/9 – Winter Report Cards Mailed Out
- 3/26 – 3/30 – SPRING BREAK
- 4/2 – PD Day (no school for students)
- 4/16 – 19 English State Assessments
- 4/20 – PD Day (no school for students)
- 4/30 – 5/4 Math State Assessments
Current School Data
Average Daily Attendance— 95.7%              Suspension rate—6%               Course failure rate—39.7%