January letter from our Principal
January 8, 2014
Dear Families of CLA,
WELCOME BACK!! We hope you had an excellent holiday and New Year. We are incredibly excited to have the students back in the building day. The hum of learning is in full effect and we are prepared for a rigorous second semester.
As we continue pushing our students academically, we are also pushing the culture of the school. After much reflection, we realized that there were some areas in which the discipline system could be improved. Below you will find the most updated changes:
- Boots – students will be permitted to wear boots that are below mid-calf, as long as their pants cover them. Female students are not permitted to wear boots that have heels.
- Lunch Detentions – lunch detentions will not accumulate on the ladder. Accordingly, a student can receive more than four lunch detentions for the semester. Students will serve these detentions during their OL time. Student actions that will merit a lunch detention are as follows:
- Uniform infractions
- Gum/food in class
- Late to class
- Possession of prohibited electronic devices
- Saying things such as “shut up” to another student
- Running anywhere outside of PE
- Minor disrespect to teachers or staff (eye rolling, mumbling under breath, etc.)
- Multiple Redirections – students who continually distract from the flow of the classroom and cannot be deterred with a lunch detention should be sent to the Dean’s office. Please advise the Dean’s office how to proceed (i.e. if you think the student simply needs to talk to Erica, please indicate so.) on the office referral/your method of communication.
Teachers will make contact with students’ guardians/parents to explain full story.
- Any consequences received from multiple redirections will not accumulate on the ladder
- Earning off consequences – for every three weeks a student goes without receiving a consequence from the Dean’s office, a consequence will be dissolved from the ladder.
Due to the weather, we have decided to push the printing of Progress Reports to January 23rd. These will be distributed to students and a robo call will be made. Additionally, Monday, January 20 CLA will be holding our Annual Day of Service. Please look for more information on Friday.
We look forward to a successful Second Semester!
Sydney Gruhin