Mary and Michael Herzak | Rita and Sanjay Sehgal | Diane Singer and Jeff Ehrbar | Christina Townsend Hartz
Host Committee
Karen and Bill Brace | Susan and Michael Cristal | Renee and Mike de Windt | Desiree and Wesley Gillespie Susie and Alan Kopit | Margaux and Michael Murphy | Melissa and Matt Nipper | Heather and Brad Schlang Lisa and Jason Ulery | Kristine and George von Zedlitz
Alan Rosskamm, Retired Breakthrough CEO
Presenting Sponsor

Questions? Contact Melodee McCrodden
mmccrodden@breakthroughschools.org | (216) 373-8760
Board of Directors
Jeff Berlin - Chair | Karen Long Cascio - Vice Chair | Dave Loomis - Vice Chair | Charles Lougheed - Vice Chair
Megan Mayhugh - Vice Chair | Larry Orwin - Vice Chair | Damian Thomas - Vice Chair | Ed Bell - Treasurer
Odell Coleman - Secretary | Mary Herzak - At Large | Michael Cristal - At Large
Jeff Ahola | Greg Althans | Jill Arena | Suresh Bafna | Andrew Bennett | Rudolf Bentlage | Matt Brewer | James Carulas | Jamie Cole | Timothy Coughlin | Jeffrey Cristal | Cosmoronde Danielly | Erin de la Mare | Mike de Windt | Chris DiTullio | Debra Fenty | Bill Fisher | Free Foutz | Martin Gates | Wes Gillespie | John Grabner | Maurice Harapiak | Jim Huber Matthew Jones | Celeste Kamasa Scott | James Kavalec | John King | William Koehler | John LeMay | Cecil Lipscomb | Nora Loftus | David Lowman | Michael Maroon | Paul Martin | Dan Mascaro | Lauren Miller | Brock Milstein | Laura Mimura | Linda Olejko | Richard Pace | Craig Panzica | Poppie Parish | Jolyn Parker Mario Pena | Michelle Perez | Peter Rome | Patti Schaar | Rita Sehgal | Seku Shabazz | Diane Singer | Brian Tucker | George von Zedlitz | Sanjay Vyas | William Welsh
Lifetime Board Members
Jeanette Grasselli Brown | David Gunning | Walter Kalberer | Michael Merriman | Bridget Moreno | John Sinnenberg