Weekly Family Updates

Greetings CLA-EAST Families!  

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. This week we are excited to have you on campus Thursday night for curriculum night. This Thursday from 5:30 pm to 6:0 pm you will have a chance to learn more about our teachers and what your scholars will be learning this school year. Be sure to take advantage of this great opportunity to learn more about the middle school curriculum. In addition, this week many classes have a quiz or unit assessment. Be sure to check your scholar’s curriculum updates below and help them prepare for their assessments.

Each scholar has been assigned to a specific class during their Intervention Block. The IB block is designed to give each scholar additional assistance in one class of need. Each grade level team of teachers and one administrator met on Friday to review every scholar in each grade level to determine who will be in each class. The scholars will attend these classes for two weeks then we will meet to decide on the nest two weeks. Our goal is to close the achievement gap that exists for each scholar, two weeks at a time.

September is a tone-setting month in terms of student attendance. Studies show that the more time a child spends in school, the more likely they are to grow academically and a trend towards stronger grades. For those reasons and many more, your scholars must attend school EVERY DAY! Strong attendance habits at the start of the school year translate to strong attendance throughout the entire year.

Last week you should have received a letter from the school outlining the technical difficulties the school is experiencing with our progress reporting system. You also should have received your parent access letter to your scholars PowerSchool account. This is your access to check your scholar’s grades and overall performance. If you did not receive your letter please contact the school’s main office. We encourage all families to periodically check their child’s grades and make a commitment to communicating with our teachers with questions and concerns. All staff can be reached by email (firstname.lastname@citizensleadership.org), by phone (216-532-5900) or by appointment.

Lastly, 8th Grade Families! We have already begun the process of high school transition. A few families have already signed-up for their HS-transition meetings. It is required that all 8th grade families do so. Here is the link for signing-up for your high school transition meeting (8th grade families only)

I’m looking forward to another great week…let’s go TIGERS!

Yours in Education,

Ricardo Franklin, Sr.

Founding Principal


Curriculum Updates
MATH Scholars will be taking a look at 3D objects and their corresponding nets. As they explore the characteristics of polyhedral, they will begin to find surface area of those figures. Scholars will be reviewing scale, factor, scale copies, and scale drawings in preparation for their Unit 1 test on Wednesday. Scholars will be continuing their unit on Rigid Transformations and Congruence. They will also be focusing on angels in a triangle an why all triangles sum up to 180 degrees.
SCIENCE Scholars will be continue to explore the physical properties of minerals through a hands-on lab. Scholars will test properties such as streak, luster, and hardness of various minerals. Scholars will be diving into the Periodic Table. They will also be learning real life applications of the different elements. Scholars will be wrapping up learning about frictions and drag then will be taking a QUIZ.
ENGLISH Scholars will continue reading the novel, My Name is Parvana while also making inferences about literacy text using specific evidence. Also scholars will be learning how authors develop charters in a story Scholars will be finishing their first short story. They will continue their focus on characterization, drawing conclusions about the themes presented by the author. Scholars will continue their study of the novel All American Boys focusing on character perspectives and how authors reveal character traits through dialogue which scholars will be QUIZZED on Wednesday.
SOCIAL STUDIES Scholars will continue their Geography unit with a deeper exploration into maps and map skills/tools. At the end of the week they will be taking their UNIT ASSESMENT. Scholars will be reviewing their Greece unit before taking a UNIT ASSESSMENT on Tuesday. Scholars will also begin learning about Rome geography and the legacy of Democracy. Scholars will be starting their new unit on Reconstruction. This week they will learn how derogatory words dehumanize people and deciphering primary and secondary sources of the time period.

Operations, Special Events & Updates

  • 9/12 – Curriculum Night (5:30 pm – 6:30 pm)
  • 9/13 – NO SCHOOL (Staff PD Day)
  • 9/19 – Fathers Walk (7:15 am – 8:00 am)
  1. 10/10 – Student Led Conference (4:00 pm – 7:00 pm)
  1. 10/11 – Student-Led Conference (8:00 am – 12:00 pm)
  1. 10/11 – NO SCHOOL (AM conference day)
  1. 10/14 – 10/18: NO SCHOOL (Fall Break)

Current School data

Attendance – 94.1% Pass/Fail Rate – 45.2%    Suspension Rate – Coming soon