Weekly Family Update

Greetings CLA-EAST Families!

I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving break. Time spent with those whom you care most about is always a nice time. As we return from the break I am excited to get back to work with our teachers and scholars.

This week we will take the time to refocus our minds on the goals we’ve set for ourselves collectively and individually. One of the goals we’ve set as a school is to increase our frequency and type of family communication from the classroom level. This means you should expect to receive more communication from your scholar’s teachers regarding various points regarding your scholar. We will be using a combination of in-person conferences, phone calls, emails and text through REMIND.

Academically, we have a goal to decrease the number of scholars who received a failing grade (in at least one class) at the conclusion trimester one. We plan to work towards achieving this goal by looking more closely at lesson plans anticipating misconceptions and leveling the lessons for scholars. We also plan to increase student time on task by reducing the number of classroom distractions by holding students more accountable for the work they are expected to complete. As with all things, your feedback on how we are doing is vital in the growth and development of our school.

The PAC as CLAE still has not taken shape as we have hoped. To better plan for parent/family engagement, I would like to invite all parents who have a strong desire to become involved (hands-on) at the school to join me for coffee; Tuesday, December 4th at 9:30 am. We will share with each other, the best ways to move forward with parent engagement and set plans to begin active involvement in the month of December and beyond.

I’m looking forward to another great week…let’s go TIGERS!

Yours in Education,

Ricardo Franklin, Sr.

Founding Principal



Academic Updates
MATH Scholars will be revisiting material from the first two units; this week they will focus on decimal operations.


Scholars will begin working on multiplying integers using a number line. They will use their knowledge of the number line to add and subtract in order to understand these concepts.
SCIENCE Scientist will continue looking at various stages of matter. Scientist will be wrapping up their energy unit with a unit exam and begin their Weather unit.
ENGLISH This week scholars will be learning about the narrator’s perspective and continuing their book Wonder. Scholars will start their new literature unit. In this unit, students will be assigned a reading group (literature circle) to close read and analyze their novel together throughout the next few weeks.
SOCIAL STUDIES Scholars will begin their unit on African Kingdoms studying the rise and fall of several empires. Scholars will be starting a new unit based on the Middle Ages. Students will also receive feedback on their Mythology Quizzes.


Operations, Special Events & Updates

  • 11/21 – 11/23 – Thanksgiving Break
  • 11/30 – Picture re-take day (students can bring clothes to change in to)
  • 12/7 – PD Day (No School)
  • 12/10 – NWEA Testing (Mid-year) – Monday thru Thursday
  • 12/20 – Winter Celebration of Learning @ 4:30 pm
  • 12/24 – 1/4 – Winter Break

Current School Data

Average Daily Attendance— 95.0% (down)               Suspension rate—5.7%