Weekly Family Update

Greetings CLA-EAST Families! 

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and time for rest. It is hard to believe that the first trimester is now over. Today we begin the 2nd trimester of the 2019 – 2020 school year. Final report cards for the 1st trimester will be mailed home on Friday, November 8th and you should expect to receive them the following week. If you have moved and have not yet updated the school with your new address, please do so by the end of the week.

Tutoring will begin during trimester 2. All scholars who received a grade of “F” in either math or ELA will be required to attend tutoring during the second trimester. Tutoring will be offered twice per for each content (Mon/Wed=Math; Tue/Thur=ELA), 3:45pm to 4:30pm.

November is Diversity Awareness month at CLAE. All month long students and teachers will take part in discussions and activities surrounding the topic. Guest speakers from several Greek national organizations will be present during community meetings. Families are invited to join the discussion every Friday, 8:00am – 10:00am.

The trimester 1 awards program will be Friday, November 15th at their grade level community meeting (6th-7:45am, 7th-8:25am, 8th-9:05am) Students who earned perfect attendance, high honors, honor roll and most improved will be recognized at community meeting. Scholars will receive notification of their award in their report card mailing.

Field work: 6th grade will have a guest speaker on Friday, November 8th. Michael Bowen as a practicing attorney and head of Mayor Frank Jackson’s re-election campaign. He will talk with students about what makes a good argument and how he has made a career out of argument/persuasion.

Please see the list of special events for the month of November and contact the school to sign-up to volunteer.

I’m looking forward to another great week…let’s go TIGERS!

Yours in Education,

Ricardo Franklin, Sr.

Founding Principal


Curriculum Updates
MATH Scholars will continue on their unit on ratios. They will work on identifying and creating equivalent ratios both in practice with numbers and with applying it in the real world sense by doubling and tripling recipes. Scholars will be taking their unit test on Monday. They will then be starting Unit 4 on proportional relationships, where they will dive into word problems and more complex relationships Scholars will expand their knowledge of slope and writing equations for positive lines. They learned about negative, zero and undefined slopes and wrote equations for all types of lines.  
SCIENCE Scholars will begin their new unit on soil. They will cover the basics about soil and the factors that affect its formation and begin to apply that knowledge with the lab later in the week. Scholars will continue their unit on energy. This week they will be covering electrical energy and circuits Scholars will continue their Earth unit. They will learn about the layers of the earth and how they cause the movement of tectonic plates.
ENGLISH Scholars will be working on, the elements of a strong argument. What does it mean to debate? Also, analyzing the effectiveness of an argument. Student will write, edit, and revise. Students will also, articulate and type.   Scholars will take their writing assessment on Monday. They will then begin their new unit on Wednesday. This EL unity is an informational text unit, focusing on teen brain development Scholars will begin their new unit in which they will learn about the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire by reading and analyzing two different novels; one fiction and the on non-fiction
SOCIAL STUDIES Scholars will continue their unit on ancient civilizations by exploring ancient China and what made it thrive. Students will also have a quiz over Egypt and the Indus River Valley. Scholars will begin their new unit on the Middle Ages. This first week will be preview of the same time period as well as their first look into life for those under the feudal system. Scholars will be starting their new unit over Industrialism and the Gilded age. Throughout this week they will be analyzing documents over the Industrial Revaluation and connecting the impact of the Civil War to this new era of opportunity.

Operations, Special Events & Updates

  1. 11/5:  NO SCHOOL (election day, the building is used as a voting location)
  1. 11/8: Report cards mailed home
  1. 11/15: Random Acts of Kindness Week
  1. 11/13: Food and Uniform drive (volunteers needed)
  1. 11/15: Honors Recognition at Community Meeting
  1. 11/18: Spirit Week
  1. 11/22: Whole School Community Meeting
  1. 11/22: Turkey Jam (school dance/volunteers needed)
  1. 11/23: 1st Annual Turkey Bowl (at Bump Taylor Football Field, 10:00am)
  1. 11/27-29: NO SCHOOL (Thanksgiving)
  1. 12/16-12/20: Spirit Week
  1. 12/19: Winter Celebration of Learning
  1. 12/23-1/3: Winter Break

Current School data

Attendance – 93.1% Pass/Fail Rate – 46.4%    Suspension Rate – 7.2%