Spring Trips 2019!

April 5, 2019

Dear CLA-EAST Families,

We are so excited to share that CLA-EAST will be able to participate in its annual spring trips again this year. This year we are sharing the information about the trips earlier than in year’s past, but also the academic and behavior qualifiers to ensure our students are successful both in and out of the building.

  • The 6th grade students will attend the Cuyahoga County Environmental Education Center, May 13 – 14th. They will spend 2 days and 1 night camping. The trip focuses on team building and learning more about the science world around them, while also discussing their essential question: “what makes a community thrive?”
  • The 7th grade students will attend the Ohio State Stone Lab on Kelley’s Island, May 28-29th. They will spend 2 days and 1-night camping. The trip focuses on team building and learning more about the science world around them, while also focusing on their essential question: “what makes a morally courageous person?”

While it is our hope that all students will get to attend the trips, we do need to ensure that they are prepared academically and behaviorally. Both academic and behavior qualifiers will begin on Monday, April 8. Please see both qualifies below:

Academic qualifiers – All students must have passing mastery and habits grades in ALL of their classes. This means that a student cannot have an F in any class (either mastery or habits). Progress reports will continue to be sent home every 2 weeks, and you can check PowerSchool to ensure your child’s grade are passing.

Behavior qualifiers – Students may not be suspended, break their probation (if they are on probation), or receive more than 2 after school circles for 2 different behaviors. At each circle a contract will be created and if that contract is broken the student will no longer be able to attend the trip. All final participants will be at the administration team’s discretion.

This trip is chaperoned by school personnel, as we truly believe that the trips are a rite of passage towards independence and self-reliance. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. Throughout the next few months, we will continue to share updates and will have grade level parent meetings as needed.

Thanks for all that you do!

Yours in Education,

Ricardo Franklin Sr.
