New tool to help notify parents about College Credit Plus!




Dear Parent or Guardian:

As your child moves closer to high school graduation you are probably thinking about whether he or she will go to college. Will your son or daughter be prepared for higher education? Will you be able to afford it?

These are normal questions for parents to ask. We have good news that can help you answer them if you think college may be in your child’s future. Ohio’s College Credit Plus program offers students in grades 7-12 the chance to earn college credit from any Ohio public college or participating private college while earning high school credit for the same courses, if they qualify academically. If a student qualifies for College Credit Plus, all associated costs are free to students seeking credit from public colleges. There may be limited costs for students seeking credit from private institutions.


Ohio has never offered your child a better start on a college education. A College Credit Plus student enjoys the opportunity to pursue more challenging classes and explore college interests sooner. Your child can earn anywhere from a few college credits to more than a year’s worth while still in high school. College Credit Plus can reduce your child’s time in college and greatly reduce your family’s higher education costs.


Private school and home school students also can apply to take part in College Credit Plus. If you are interested in having your child participate, I urge you to begin learning more now. The deadline is April 1 for students to let their high schools know they want to participate in College Credit Plus next school year. Students who attend nonpublic schools or are home-schooled must inform the Ohio Department of Education by the same April 1 deadline.
Here are your next steps:

  1. Talk with your child’s school.

Your local school district is required to provide you with information about College Credit Plus before March 1. If you haven’t received an email, letter or call yet, check your district’s website.


The district also must hold a public meeting before March 30 to explain the program, and it must invite participating colleges and universities in your area to attend.


  1. If you have a question about College Credit Plus, please visit our FAQ page at to see if the answer to your question is there.


  1. If your question is not answered on the FAQ page or you do not receive timely information from your school, please contact the Ohio Department of Education toll-free at (877) 644-6338 or via email at Your child’s school and your area colleges will have the information you need to do your part on time.


  1. In the meantime, have your child meet with his or her school counselor—you’re welcome to attend also—to talk about whether College Credit Plus might be a good fit for your child.


  1. Once you have the facts, contact or check the website of participating colleges in your area. All public and participating private colleges in the state are listed at Ask them for College Credit Plus application forms, instructions and a list of criteria they will use to determine if your child is college-ready for admission to that institution.

Once your child is admitted to a college under College Credit Plus, he or she will be able to register for college courses. Again, conversations with the high school counselor or a college advisor can help your child decide which of the many available college courses would match his or her needs and plans.


  1. Have your child register for classes and provide a copy of his or her schedule to the high school counselor for review.

Ohio has many hardworking students, and we want to see all of them rewarded with a greater array of options and choices for their futures. Please start talking to your child about College Credit Plus today.





Dr. Richard A. Ross                                                                 John Carey
Superintendent of Public Instruction                                        Chancellor
Ohio Department of Education                                                Ohio Board of Regents





25 South Front Street         phone  614.466.6000

Columbus, Ohio 43215      fax       614.466.5866

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