Welcome to our Annual Fund 2024 page, where your support empowers the scholars of Breakthrough Public Schools! Help turn words into worlds and give our scholars the opportunity to choose their own adventure in life. Dive in below to learn more about our mission.

Copy of FOB Annual Appeal - Spring v3 (3)
BPS Home Page Slider Images (4)
Breakthrough Enrolls
3,000+ Scholars
Alumni, Supported
Families That Will
Return Next Year
New 8th Grade Graduates
Joining our Ranks Annually


Learn to Read --> Read to Learn! To help support our scholars, donate today via credit card, check, or stock. Thank you!

Friends of Breakthrough Schools (Friends) is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Tax ID 20-4948838

Donate by Check

Checks payable to: Friends of Breakthrough Schools

3615 Superior Avenue E
Bldg 44, Suite 4403D
Cleveland, OH 44114

Donate Stock

Stock transfer information:
DTC # - 0226
Account # - Z73-120081 (Fidelity)
Account name - Friends of Breakthrough Schools

(Please email Melodee McCrodden with donor name and stock being transferred.)