Weekly Family Update (3/5/18)

Greetings CLA-EAST Families!

Welcome to the third and final trimester of our first year together. Can you believe that we are we have made it this far and are now headed toward the finish line?  I can’t write anything else without mentioning the tremendous growth we have made as a school and school community. All of the success that we have experienced has been a collaborative effort by our staff, our students, and you…the family. As we prepare for the all-important Ohio State Assessments in April and May, we must not forget the foundational building blocks that got us here.  We will take time over the next two weeks to refresh, remind, and revisit our school mission, school norms, and our new trimester three goals. I hope that you will join us as a class guest, crew member, community meeting or PAC meeting during our final trimester. Let’s continue to work hard together to give our scholars the best school experience possible.

Yours in Education,

Ricardo Franklin, Sr.

Founding Principal


Academic Updates

*Special announcement – on Friday, March 9th the entire CLAE student body will travel to CLA (9711 Lamont) for a model wide community meeting. Both schools will hear a special presentation from the folks at the Cleveland Clinic regarding their annual LRI Science Day. The Science day is an event that scholars from both schools will have an opportunity to participate in (more details to come). We travel on yellow schools buses and will leave the school at 8:45 am and returning by 10:30 am.

This week in Math, your scholar will be wrapping up their unit on Rational Numbers with a lesson on absolute value. They will take their unit test on Thursday (3/8) and work to complete their Rational Rendezvous project.

In Social Studies, your scholar will be completing their unit on world religions.

In Science, your scholar will be constructing atomic models to present for a class museum walk on Thursday. Friday they will be taking a quiz.

In ELA, your scholar will be continuing their discussion and analysis of textual evidence based on making inferences. They will also begin their new book, Promise to Keep, which highlights the achievements and effects of Jackie Robinson’s life.

Tutoring: Tutoring is Monday thru Thursday in Math, Reading, and Writing. Be sure to check with your scholar and the main office to know what day your scholar receives tutoring. Scholars who attend the Salvation Army will no longer be picked up by the Salvation Army after tutoring. Please make arrangements for your scholar to be picked up at the school no later than 4:45 pm on tutoring days.

School Culture Updates

This week in crew we will continue exploring “courage”. We will be discussing what it means to have “courage” and how it answers our 6th -grade essential question, “What makes a community grow?”  I invite all of our parents to join in on the discussions this week and every week during crew. Crew times are 7:45 am to 8:15 am daily.

Last week you may have received a phone call from your scholar informing you they have received an afterschool detention for not completing their homework. The no homework, no entry policy was put in place to encourage scholars to do their homework. Scholars who failed to complete their homework for a class will report to the main office where they will make the phone call home. During these afterschool detentions, scholars will be given the opportunity to complete the missed work, so think of it as a “homework club”. Failure to turn in homework has a direct effect on your scholar’s grades. CLAE scholars who fail to turn in homework miss an average of 10 points per-class per-day. That’s 50 points per week for one class or 200 points for the week in all four content classes. That’s a lot of points and could be the difference between a “C” and an “F”. Please help support us by ensuring your scholar is doing homework each night. Homework is posted each night on the schools Facebook page.

Operations, Special Events & Updates

  • 3/5 – Chipotle Fundraiser
  • 3/9 – Winter Report Cards Mailed Out
  • 3/12 – CLAE Board Meeting at CLA (9711 Lamont Ave.)
  • 3/13 – Curriculum Night at 5:00 pm
  • 3/26 – 3/30 – SPRING BREAK
  • 4/2 – PD Day (no school for students)
  • 4/16 – 19 English State Assessments
  • 4/20 – PD Day (no school for students)
  • 4/30 – 5/4 Math State Assessments

Current School Data

Average Daily Attendance— 95.8%               Suspension rate—6%                Course failure rate—30.2%