Upcoming Events

October 2, 2015,


Dear CLA Families,

We have officially completed our Attendance Awareness month campaign. We have had great success in ensuring our scholars are in school every day. This is a tribute to you, for being an active member of your child’s education. Today during community meeting we recognized the students who had perfect attendance and will be taking those students to Mitchell’s ice cream for a celebration next week. A few grade level shout-outs:

  • 6th grade had the most number of perfect attendance days.
  • 7th grade had the highest overall attendance percentage.


As you have heard in the robo calls, scholars are no longer permitted to wear shorts to school. We have officially hit fall temperatures, and will be turning the heat on the in the building. If you scholar would like to wear a black, purple, white or grey cardigan/sweater over their polo that is fine. However, no sweatshirts or jackets will be permitted.

Additionally, progress reports were distributed to students today. As you are reviewing your scholar’s grades, if you have any questions please contact the teachers or me.

Lastly, just a friendly reminder about some upcoming dates:

  • Fall Break – Thursday, October 8 through Monday, October 12
  • CLA Picture Day – Friday, October 16 (more details to come)
  • October PAC Meeting – Tuesday, October 27 at 5:30
  • Report Card Mailings – Friday, October 30
  • Student- Led Conferences – Thursday, November 5 – Friday, November 6 (please call Ms. Pratt if you have not already scheduled one)
  • Round 2 After- School Clubs – October 27 – December 18 (sign-up form will be passed out after fall break)


As we move into October, we will be pushing Academic Achievement and recognizing students weekly who are excelling in their academics. Please have a discussion with your scholar in regards to their current grades and how they can increase their grades and continue being successful!


Have a wonderful fall weekend,


Sydney S. Gruhin
