8th Grade CLA Families

April 7, 2015


Dear 8th grade CLA families,


It is hard to believe that we have less than two months of school before the 2014-2015 school year comes to an end. All of our students have grown so much and matured throughout the first two trimesters. As the weather turns warmer, we must take a few steps back and think through our school procedures. Yesterday, as a grade-level team we sat down to revise our procedures and have created a crew curriculum to review these expectations with our students. However, we feel that it is just as important that you receive that information from me as well as your child. Below you will find our focus areas and our updated expectations/school procedures:


Main Office:

Throughout the year we have been experiencing an uptick in the number of students coming to the main office in between classes, during specials, and during lunch without a pass or permission. It is imperative that students are in class and in the room in which they belong for a number of reasons, the most important being the safety of our students. We value the relationships that our students have with our leadership team and will provide them time to socialize with the staff who are housed in the office, but they must remain in the cafeteria during lunch and in their specials during class.



All students must be wearing their full uniform at all times. This includes khaki pants, CLA black or purple polo, tennis shoes or dress shoes, and a solid black, white, or grey cardigan (optional). Students are not permitted to wear their jackets while in the school building and will be directed to keep it in their locker. Students who refuse to follow this direction will be given a reflection for the first time and subsequently a detention. Students may begin wearing shorts on May 11.



It is our priority to ensure that all students are safe at all times. In order to do this, we are increasing accountability during this time of day. Students will not be permitted to leave until their name is called over the PA system. As students leave the building, teachers will be stationed throughout the building to ensure they walk through the appropriate doors in a quick manner. At no point should students be walking through the back hallway. Students with siblings/family members who go home together must meet outside in front of the building.


In addition to this letter, you will also receive the final after-school club selection sheet (on green paper). As a reminder there will be NO after school clubs, tutoring, or Saturday School this week. Tutoring and Saturday School will resume the week of April 13, and clubs will begin the week of April 20. We look forward to seeing an increase in positive culture and truly appreciate your assistance as we continue to push CLA toward being the best middle school in Cleveland!






Sydney Gruhin
