CLA Construction Updates

Citizens Leadership Academy families,


Citizens Leadership Academy has been working with Terrace construction and the City of Cleveland to minimize any disruptions to the CLA school day.  The construction crew knows when arrival and dismissal occur at CLA and will do their best to minimize their presence during those times.  We have been working with Terrance to schedule construction work on Lamont Ave in front of CLA during Fall Break (October 8th, 9th, 10th and 13th).


A few helpful hints and tips regarding arrival and dismissal during upcoming weeks:


–          Dismissal on Monday-Thursday begins at 3:30 and 1:00 on Friday.  Please be patient as the process may take slightly longer than usual.

–          We will continuously monitor construction events as they happen during the day.  Mr. Karousis and/or Mrs. Gruhin will inform you of any last minute updates and changes as we receive them.

–          Students are considered tardy at 7:45.  If construction shuts down a street, please use the map below to aid you in getting to CLA on time.

  • Yellow = alternative route to CLA
  • Green = alternative drop off locations for morning drop off (unmonitored but close to our building, adjacent to the playground)


















We appreciate your patience as we work together over the next few weeks.


Thank you,




Davis Karousis