Weekly Family Update

Greetings CLA-EAST Families!

I hope everyone is staying warm during this stretch of arctic weather we are experiencing. The question that is on everyone’s mind, “will there be school next week”. The staff and I are planning and preparing for next week as if there will be school each day of the week and so should you. Our team will be on standby each day to analyze the current weather conditions and notify our families in the event school is canceled. Be sure to watch Cleveland based news channels for up to date school closing notifications and in the event that school is canceled you’ll also receive a robo call with a message that school has been canceled.

Our strategic plan for academic improvement has been rolled out with great success. Last week scholars began working in their personal pathways. PPW is the individual lessons scholars will work on during class on Tuesday and Thursday. PPW is in addition to the teacher created lessons and normal classroom instruction. Students use web-based programs (IXL, Khan Academy & News ELA) to complete lessons that are tailored specifically for their needs. Incentives (dress downs, certificates, school swag) are given to scholars whenever they reach a milestone in their PPW.

The second wave of our strategic plan for academic improvement is Saturday academy and after-school tutoring assignments. These programs will begin on February 18th and will feature several levels of detailed instruction. Scholars will be assigned to attend either Saturday academy or afterschool tutoring based on recent assessment data. Families will be notified of their scholar’s assigned program during Student Led Conferences on February 13th and 14th.

Thank you to everyone who prepared to attend the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service. Although this day was canceled due to weather, our scholars and staff will continue with many of the projects. We are currently collect new socks to be donated to local shelters for the homeless. Please help us collect 50 pairs of new socks by sending your donations to school for collection.

Lastly, Re-enrollment is going on now. If you have not already done so, please take the time to complete your re-enrollment by logging in to your SchoolMint account.

I’m looking forward to another great week…let’s go TIGERS!


Yours in Education,

Ricardo Franklin, Sr.

Founding Principal



Academic Updates
MATH Scholars will continue evaluating and solving one-step equations before beginning their round robin unit test review.


Scholars will be reviewing for the Unit 4 Test on Wednesday and continuing progress and practice on Personalized Pathways.
SCIENCE Scholars will continue their unit on matter as they use Mosa Mack to determine the difference between states of matter and changes of mater. Scientist will start a new unit, The Hydrologic Cycle! This week will focus on the Mosa Mack series as well as math in science.
ENGLISH Scholars will continue reading Promise to Keep and take their first assessment on main idea with supporting evidence. Scholars will be preparing for the first quiz on the Giver on Tuesday and continue reading the novel; this week’s focus is on identifying central idea and perspective.
SOCIAL STUDIES Scholars will be finishing up their world religions unit and taking their unit assessment on Thursday. Scholars will be wrapping up the Renaissance with Michelangelo, Shakespeare, and preparing for the unit test.


Operations, Special Events & Updates

  • 2/13 – 2/14 – Student Led-Conference (1:00 pm dismissal on the 13th; No school on 14th)
  • 2/15 – Presidents Day (NO SCHOOL)
  • 2/18 – NO SCHOOL
  • 3/1 – End of 2nd Trimester
  • 3/8 – PD Day (NO SCHOOL)
  • 3/8 – Winter Report Cards Mailed Home
  • 3/25 – 3/29 – Spring Break


Current School data

Attendance – 94.6% Pass/Fail Rate – 50.3% Suspension Rate – 13.6%