Saturday | February 8, 2020 11A-2P
Metro Room, Metropolitan Campus Center
Cuyahoga Community College | 2900 Community College Ave, Cleveland
Registration is now closed. However, we may be able to accommodate a few extra seats. To inquire, contact alumni@breakthroughschools.org.
Congratulations! As a junior or senior, you’ll be graduating soon from high school.
You are also a graduate of either E Prep or Citizens Leadership Academy, and we want to celebrate your continued success by hosting a reunion in your honor! This Breakthrough Schools special event is for 2016 and 2017 Breakthrough graduates only.
Parents and guardians are also encouraged to attend. While your scholars are reconnecting, you’ll have an opportunity to meet separately with other Breakthrough parents/guardians and with Tri-C staff who will answer any of your college-related questions.
Exciting new announcements!
This year, our buffet lunch will be catered by Moe’s Southwest Grill! You won't want to miss out on this delicious, all-you-can-eat buffet. We also want to share that every attendee will have the opportunity to receive a FREE professional headshot photograph!
1. Catch up with your classmates and teachers
Visit and reconnect with your former classmates and teachers, laugh about memories at Breakthrough, and learn about what everyone is up to now.
2. Enjoy a free, catered lunch.
Feast with your friends on a tasty lunch buffet!
3. Receive a free t-shirt
All Breakthrough alumni who register on this site will receive an event tee!
4. Learn more about Cuyahoga Community College
College is right around the corner, and TriC is a great option. Learn more about the exciting opportunities they can offer you!
5. And if you act quickly...free swag!
The first 75 registrants will also receive a free Breakthrough Alumni scarf. Sign up NOW!
Questions? Contact Alumni Relations at alumni@breakthroughschools.org