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Homework 8/28/18

6th Grade: Math: True or False Ratio Worksheet Science: None Social Studies: Practice labeling World Map ELA: Read 20 minutes out of Independent Reading Book and reminder that Book review is due Friday   7th Grade: Math: Fractional by Fractional Quotients Homework Science: None Social Studies: Recruitment Poster Project ELA: Read & Annotate NewsELA Article

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Ready Set Go: Your Turn!

Hello families! We are now going into week three of the new school year and I hope you have experienced a wonderful start. As a new member of the Breakthrough family I hope you have enjoyed the activities, books, and information I have shared with you via the Ready, Set, Go communication series. It certainly…

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Weekly Family Update

Greetings CLA-EAST Families! I hope that everyone enjoyed their weekend and are now ready for another strong week. As we move into our third week of the school year, I’d like to send a special thank you to all the families. Last week we saw a big shift in attendance and we are currently averaging…

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Weekly Family Update – 8/19/2018

Greetings CLA-EAST Families! You did it! We did it! We made it through the first week of the school year, but just like I told the staff at our Friday PD; we shouldn’t settle for making it through. Our goal is to build a strong and sustainable culture at our school and we need your…

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Ready Set Go: Summer Week 8

With the start of school next week (the week of August 13th), I have been reading several articles about getting students off to a good start.  I recently read an article titled 7 things to tell the teacher about your child.  The article focused on the valuable insights a parent/guardian can give a teacher to…

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School Supply Giveaway

In support of the Community Garden in the District Garden, operated by the Acy Family, CLA-EAST families and friends are invited to attend their annual School Supply Giveaway. Stop by for free school supplies, fresh vegetables, haircuts, and hair stylists. There will be a live DJ as well as a guest speaker and the famous…

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Ready Set Go: Summer Week 7

Hi families! We are getting so close to the first week of school! I hope you are enjoying the final weeks of summer. Many of you asked about school supplies this week. I thought I would share a few community events where school supplies will be given away. Asia Ohio Back to School Blast This…

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Ready Set Go: Summer Week 6

Hello Breakthrough Family! I do not know if it is time to start counting down the start of school but it is only 3 weeks away. I am sure you don’t know where the summer has gone just like me. Do not worry too much, we still have some summer fun coming up with many…

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Summer Family Updates – July 20, 2018

Summer Updates_prior to start of school Dear CLA-EAST families, It’s hard to believe that it is already halfway through July and the school year will be starting in just four weeks!  Enrollment is going well this summer – we have very few openings in seventh grade; we are completely full in sixth grade – if you…

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Ready Set Go: Summer Week 5

Hello families! Last week I attended the National Family Engagement Conference here in Cleveland. One of the interesting discussions I attended was about how parent engagement can help to build a life-long love of reading by parents/guardians helping their child to improve their comprehension of what they read. I thought I would share with you…