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Learning Recovery & Extended Learning Plan

BPS General Featured Image

Family Reopening Update

Breakthrough Families, As we prepare to head off for Spring Break, we want to wish everyone a safe and healthy week ahead.  We also want to provide a few important updates about our programming plans for April and May.  Please read the message below and don’t hesitate to reach out to your scholar’s Principal, Dean,…

BPS General Featured Image

Return to School Family Announcement

Dear Families,  Thank you for your continued support and collaboration during the pandemic.  Please read below for an important update on BPS School Programming for the remainder of the school year, including new and expanded in-school learning opportunities for scholars. Data from last month’s Family Survey revealed that, while an overwhelming majority of families (73%)…

BPS Alan Rosskamm

Important News About the CEO Transition at Breakthrough

Dear Breakthrough Family, In December 2020, Alan Rosskamm shared that, at his request, the BPS Board embarked on the process of looking for a successor to serve as the next CEO for Breakthrough Public Schools. Much has been accomplished during Alan’s tenure, and we are very grateful for his leadership. While our future is promising…

BPS General Featured Image

Parent-Teacher Conference Sign-up (March 8th)

Please review the available slots by clicking the links below. Sign-up for only ONE slot per-teacher and be sure your times do not overlap with other appointments you’ve scheduled with your scholar(s) teacher(s). To ensure families are able to meet with teachers, please only sign-up for classes in which you have concern for your scholar(s)…

BPS General Featured Image

BPS Family Update – Feb 22, 2021

Dear families, We all know that Black History at Breakthrough is year-round. And, we also know that #BlackHistoryMonth is a time all our scholars spend even more time dedicated to pursuing coursework focusing on our Black History and celebrating Black Excellence. This week I wanted to shout out a few projects our scholars are undertaking,…

Village Prep Willard | Breakthrough Public Schools

BPS Family Update – Refer a Friend!

Dear families, We need your help spreading the word! Do you know someone who is looking for a school to call home? Tell them about Breakthrough! We are SO thankful for our scholars and families and are always looking to grow our network. If every Breakthrough family gave 2 referrals, we could reach over 7,200…

Village Prep Cliffs | Breakthrough Public Schools

BPS Family Update – Survey

Dear Families, Please take a few moments to share your input. This input, combined with staff input, as well as the vaccination roll-out plans for our staff and guidance from health experts, will help to inform  our decision making. We are committed to communicating our plans for the remainder of the school year by the…


BPS Family Update – Feb 3, 2021

Thanks to all of the families who attended our first-ever Virtual Breakthrough BASH! With more than 2,000 households watching (nearly 5,000 individuals) it was quite an event! This 60 minute YouTube event featured MANY Breakthrough alumni who called in to participate, and helped raise enough money to pay a bonus to all of our teachers…

Remote Learning Centers | Breakthrough Public Schools

BPS Family Update – Jan 22, 2021

Dear Breakthrough Families, Thank you for your continued partnership as we navigate this unprecedented year. In keeping  with our past practice, we will continually keep you updated on our latest plans regarding  school at home vs returning to in person learning. Given several key factors, including ongoing  high county risk levels and the questions about…