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Carlotta Walls LaNier Visit to CLA

Carlotta Walls LaNier visited CLA today to speak with her experiences as a high school student during the Little Rock Nine integration at Little Rock High School in 1957. The…

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We Run the City

Help Citizens Leadership Academy’s partner, We Run the City, raise funds to support their cause.  Donate here!!

Our Intergenerational Schools

Our Intergenerational Model featured on Channel 19

Have you heard of our “Intergenerational” educational model? It was highlighted by Romona Robinson this week, featuring our Intergenerational students and mentors discussing the vibrant, thoughtful learning community fostered at…

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Head of School Letter

March 20, 2014     Dear CLA Families,   I thought I would catch up with you while you are at school for student-led conferences. During your conferences you will…

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Ohio Achievement Assessment Letter

Dear Parents and Families: Our countdown to the Ohio Achievement Assessments (OAA) has begun! The importance of these assessments is paramount.  The results of these assessments allow the State to…

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March CLA2HS Newsletter

March 5th , 2014 Dear CLA Students, Parents, Guardians and Families, Please read the following updates and reminders regarding applications and upcoming events. Remember to notify us as soon as…

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7th Grade Spring CLA2HS Letter

March 5th, 2014 Dear CLA Parents, Guardians and Families, I hope that your student has had a great start to their spring semester and are eagerly preparing themselves for the…

Breakthrough Visits DC

Raising the Bar: Breakthrough Advocates for High-Quality Charter Schools in DC

Breakthrough Schools was invited to visit Congress and speak on behalf of our community regarding the innovative, effective, collaborative educational work happening in Cleveland, Ohio. At this session, entitled “Raising…

Lakeshore Intergenerational School

New Lakeshore Intergenerational School to open in Collinwood!

We are thrilled to announce our new Lakeshore Intergenerational School will be opening in the Collinwood neighborhood of Cleveland next year. Read more about the news in’s story: Two new…

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Valentines Day Dance

Dear CLA Families,   This Friday, Feburary 7th, we will have our next school dance. The seventh grade student council is taking the lead to orgnaize and host the dance.…