BPS Family Update – April 9, 2021
Breakthrough Families,
We’re truly looking forward to welcoming your scholar back to school for our Monday in-person programming. We’ve missed seeing your smiles and hearing your laughter. In preparation for this Monday and the weeks ahead, we have important and exciting news to share with you. Please review this communication for important information regarding:
- Next Monday’s Spring In-Person Return - Family and Employee Health and Safety Protocols
- 72 Hour Non-Attendance Withdrawals
- Meal plan schedule change
- Summer programming opportunity for returning and existing scholars
Spring In-Person Return - Family and Employee Health and Safety Protocols
Breakthrough Public Schools is committed to ensuring the health and safety of all scholars and staff. As we begin the transition of bringing more staff and scholars back to our buildings, maintaining safe in-person school and work environments will require a culture of health and safety every step of the way. Please access the link below that outlines Breakthrough Public Schools’ plans and procedures to reduce the risk of in-school transmission and keep all in the community safe.
72 Hour Withdrawals For Non-Attendance
If your scholar has been absent for 72 consecutive hours your scholar will be withdrawn from BPS and you will have up until Thursday, April 15th to re-enroll for the current school year. After April 15th only applications for next school year, 21-22 will be accepted.
Meal Plan Schedule Change
Beginning on Monday, April 12, we will be changing our family meal pick-up schedule to coincide with our spring in-person Monday scholar programming. Meals will be available at the 6 BPS campus locations once a week, on Mondays, for the rest of the school year as per the schedule below.
Campus | Hours | Location |
Campus CA/CLA | Hours 10:00 AM - 1:30 PM | Location Vestibule |
Campus CLAE | Hours 10:00 AM - 1:30 PM | Location Vestibule |
Campus CSC | Hours 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM | Location Vestibule |
Campus VPC | Hours 10:00 AM - 1:30 PM | Location Vestibule |
Campus VPW | Hours 10:00 AM - 1:30 PM | Location Vestibule |
Campus VPWH | Hours 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM | Location Gym Door |
Summer Programming Opportunity for Existing and New Scholars
We are so excited to share that we are partnering with Open Doors Academy to offer a free, in-person, enrichment summer camp opportunity for up to 650 of our scholars! Summer camp will offer dozens of week-long camps focused on arts and culture, health and wellness, leadership, community exploration, and more! Camp is open to all current Breakthrough K-8 scholars, and families will have a choice of two 4-week sessions. More information about camp and camp registration will be shared early next week, including details for upcoming orientation sessions where you can learn more directly from ODA staff. Questions? Reach out to summercamps@opendoorsacademy.org.
Thank you for your continued partnership.
Arliss Prass
Chief Community Officer
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