Weekly Family Updates

Greetings CLA-EAST Families!


What a great three day weekend. I hope everyone had a chance to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather and spend time with family and friends. I’d like to thank all the parents and guardians for your support last week. The phone calls, emails, and class visits show your dedication and belief in our scholars and our school. This week as we transition back into deeper academic focus, we will need the same support. As we begin to turn up the rigor inside our classrooms, I want to make sure all scholars are feeling supported. Be sure to speak with your scholar each night and check that their homework has been completed. Every day counts…every assignment matters.


Tomorrow, your scholars will be getting their afterschool club assignments. Clubs were assigned on a first come, first serve bases. If you scholar returned an afterschool club sign-up sheet, he/she was assigned to either their first or second choice. If you have not received and afterschool club notification, please email me before Friday, September 7th.


Be on the lookout, later this week, for information on afterschool tutoring. Once the data from the beginning of the year assessments are analyzed, our team will work to align each scholar with a tutoring group that best meets their needs. Attendance for tutoring is required for all scholars who meet specific requirements. Tutoring will be held after school from 3:45 to 4:30 on designated days.


As always, you are invited to join us for community meetings each and every Friday from 8:00 am to 9:00 am in the gym. We are always looking for guest speakers, so if you or anyone you know is interested in addressing our scholars with a motivation message, please email Mr. Shahid at anwar.shahid@citizensleadership.org. I’m looking forward to another great week…let’s go TIGERS!


Yours in Education,

Ricardo Franklin, Sr.

Founding Principal



Academic Updates
MATH Scholars will be finishing their flip grid projects and doing the last lesson of the rations unit. Scholars will continue using their math skills on a project where they will need to determine the cost of buying a car.
SCIENCE Scholars will continue their work on annotating science articles as working on the scientific method Scholars will continue working on Scientific Method and how to apply it to a Controlled Experiment
ENGLISH This week scholars in 6th grade will be continuing the novel, “My Name is Parvana” and learning about character traits. Scholars will continue their diverse short story unit, focusing on the distinction between main idea and supporting details
SOCIAL STUDIES Scholars will continue their geography unit and learning how to use maps in their everyday lives. Scholars will continue working on their studies on Athens and Sparta; and making the determination on which culture is most like American modern society.
ART Scholars will continue their work on the elements of art.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION Scholars will take their SLO assessment
OUTDOOR LEADERSHIP Scholars will take their SLO assessment


School Culture Updates

This week, our focus for school culture is on rolling out restorative practices for our scholars. Each family should have received a Family Handbook in which it outlines the new restorative process at CLAE. The restorative process replaces our traditional progressive disciplinary system. The goal of the restorative process is to teach students skill in conflict resolution while restoring the harm down to the school community. In this process, students will develop their voice in what they believe is the appropriate way to behave in their school. It is important to know that some scholars will be asked to make phone calls home to inform their family they have earned an afterschool restorative circle. Circles are scheduled Monday and Friday from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm; and Friday from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm. If your scholar is scheduled for an after-school restorative circle, it is important to arrange for him/her to be picked up at the correct time.


Operations, Special Events & Updates

  • 9/3 – NO SCHOOL (Labor Day)
  • 9/12 – Curriculum Night 5:30PM
  • Aug/September – Attendance Awareness Month


Current School Data

Average Daily Attendance— 95.1%               Course failure rate—0%                Suspension rate—0%