Weekly Family Update 5/7/2018

Greetings CLA-EAST Families!

This week marks another busy and exciting week at CLA-EAST. There are only 9 days until Celebration of Learning and all class projects are in full swing. Each class your scholar has is preparing a very special and unique final product that highlights the learning that took place during the third trimester. We are excited as the clock ticks down to the COL and we hope you are excited as well.

We will have a mandatory PAC meeting on Tuesday, May 8th at 5:00 pm in the cafeteria. We will be covering details about the end of year spring trip; eligibility requirements, location, and agenda of the trip. All families must have a representative for their family present.

Finally, we are excited to begin our community garden project in honor of Better World Day. The CLA-EAST Community Garden of Hope will be used connect our school with the Glenville community in meaningful ways. The groundbreaking ceremony and work will begin at 1:00 pm on Monday, May 7th. Please plan to join us on this day to celebrate and volunteer to get this project going. Contact Mr. Franklin for volunteering details.

Yours in Education,

Ricardo Franklin, Sr.

Founding Principal


Academic Updates

This week in Math, your scholar will be finishing the movie, Hidden Figures, and discussing the connections to math from the movie. They will also begin working on their COL project which is creating a blue print for the outdoor garden space.

In Social Studies, your scholar will be starting their COL project by learning about food deserts and how they impact this and other communities.

In Science, your scholar will be starting their COL project by researching sustainability options for a home and building their very own model of a sustainability home.

In ELA, your scholar will be completing their latest novel, Seedfolks, and begin their COL project by writing their monologue about their community.

School Culture Updates

With only 9 days until the Spring Celebration of Learning, scholars and their crew leaders will be discussing how courage will be a big part of how successful they are as they present during the event. They will take a deeper look in to COL and discuss why the event is so important and prep-work required to make it a success.


This week is teacher’s appreciation week. Please join us in celebration our teachers and staff all week long and the hard work they’ve done all year to prepare our scholars to be the leaders they are today.


Finally, this week is also spirit week. Scholars and staff will be celebrating by dressing in a specific theme for each day this week. This week’s dress down themes are:


  • Monday: Squad Day
  • Tuesday: Jersey Day
  • Wednesday: Beach Day
  • Thursday: Salt & Pepper Day
  • Friday: Decade Day


Operations, Special Events & Updates

  • 5/7 – 11 – Spirit Week
  • 5/8 – **IMPORTANT** CLAE school is in session (Voting Day)
  • 5/8 – Mandatory PAC Meeting; Spring trip briefing
  • 5/14 – CLAE Board Meeting (CLA, 4:30PM)
  • 5/17 – Celebration of Learning (4:00PM -5:30PM)
  • 5/24 – Last Day of School


Current School Data

Average Daily Attendance— 96%               Course failure rate—35%                Suspension rate—7.5%