Weekly Family Update

Greetings CLA-EAST Families! 

I hope everyone enjoyed their break and everyone’s Thanksgiving was good. What a good time to reflect and think about all the good things that have happened to us and our loved ones. I want to share a special thank you to all of our families and friends. There is much to be thankful for but nothing is greater than the support everyone shows each week. CLA-EAST is blessed to a great group of families and friends.

The next three weeks of school will go by quickly but there is much to accomplish. In each of our classrooms, students will be taking multiple ends of unit assessments and preparing for the Winter Celebration of Learning. There is a lot of work that goes into the planning and execution of the Celebration of LearningThe Winter Celebration of Learning is December 19th from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm. Every student must be present at school, each day, for the next three weeks. Many classes will have partners work to finalize COL products and group mates are depended on one another. 

After-school tutoring began last week. All scholars who earned a grade of “F” in either math or ELA during trimester 1 are required to attend. Check your scholar’s report card or PowerSchool account to find out if they are required to attend. Tutoring is twice per week for each content on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s from 3:45 pm to 4:30 pm. If your student did not fail either math or English and you’d like to enroll them in after-school tutoring, call the school’s main office to enroll him/her.

The cultural focus for the next three weeks will be revisiting the foundational culture-building blocks. Students and teachers will spend time engaging in discussions and activities that are centered around our school norms, Habits of Leadership and each grade level’s essential question. I invite all families and friends to come to participate in a morning crew with their students and me, Monday thru Thursday from 7:35 am – 8:00 am. 

Please see the list of special events for the month of December and contact the school to sign-up to volunteer. 

I’m looking forward to another great week…let’s go TIGERS!

Yours in Education,

Ricardo Franklin, Sr.

Founding Principal


Curriculum Updates
MATH Students will begin their new unit. In unit 4 they will learn more about division and gain a deeper understanding of the meaning of division and how to interpret division situations.   Students will be starting Unit 5 on rational numbers. Students will look to understand positive and negative integers using context like temperatures and elevation.   Students will be wrapping up Unit 4; Linear Equations and Systems of Equations. They will have their End of Unit Assessment on Thursday.
SCIENCE Students will be starting their Celebration of Learning projects. Students will first research and then construct models of tectonic plate boundaries. Students will begin their Celebration of Learning projects. They will be learning about and creating a wave machine over the next three weeks. Students will be reviewing main topics for their end of unit assessment that will begin on Thursday.
ENGLISH Students will continue to engage in a novel study of Bud, Not Buddy, with a focus on character development and the author’s use of language. Students will get to know Bud by looking at the challenges he faces and his response to those challenges. Students will continue working on their unit research question (what are the potential benefits and risks of entertainment screen time on the development of the brain, particularly in teenagers?) They will examine various evidence types with a number of sources this week, all to prepare for the unit test on December 9th. Scholars will identify different characters’ perspectives and explain the effect this has on tone and continue reading the novel the Uprising.
SOCIAL STUDIES Students will begin their unit on Ancient African Civilizations by first examining the diverse geography of Africa. Towards to end of the week they will learn about the great African civilizations of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai.   Students will identify adversities faced by specific groups of people in the Middle Ages. They will also determine the main idea of a secondary source about the Middle Ages and summarize a secondary source about the Middle Ages.   Students will be analyzing the ways the City of Cleveland has addressed climate change. Students will be assigned a specific “focus area” where they will annotate Cleveland’s Climate Action Plan for their ‘focus area”

Operations, Special Events & Updates

  1. 12/16-12/20: Spirit Week – Challenge Week
  1. 12/19: Winter Celebration of Learning (volunteers needed for set up – click link to sign-up)
  1. 12/23-1/3: Winter Break

Current School data

Attendance – 92.8% Pass/Fail Rate – 56.0%    Suspension Rate – 7.2%