Weekly Family Update

Greetings CLA-EAST Families! 

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. I was a pleasure to see so many of you come and support our students as they received their Trimester 1 award during community meetings on Friday. More than 70 academic honor awards were earned and over 40 students achieved perfect attendance. I congratulate and thank all the families for your support. My goal is to make CLA-EAST the number 1 school in Cleveland. We can only reach this goal with your support.

Report Cards: Trimester 1 report cards were issued at school on Friday. If your scholars did not receive their report card, please call the school’s main office or email me.

After-school tutoring began last week. All scholars who earned a grade of “F” in either math or ELA during trimester 1 are required to attend. Check your scholar’s report card or PowerSchool account to find out if they are required to attend. Tutoring is twice per week for each content on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s from 3:45 pm to 4:30 pm.

Attendance: School attendance has dropped and continues to fall. We currently have an average daily attendance of 93.1%. This percentage is the bottom requirement by the Ohio Department of Education. There are a number of things that contribute to student missing days of school. Why that reason will vary from family to family, the end result is the same. The more days of school student misses, the more learning they miss. Be sure your student is at school every day to give them a better chance of earning higher grades.

This week school is in session on Monday and Tuesday only. School will resume after the Thanksgiving holiday on Monday, December 2nd.

As a reminder, to remove unnecessary classroom distractions, we revisited our cell phone collection policy. As students enter the building and prepare for crew, our Dean’s of Students will circulate to each of the crew classrooms to collect all scholar’s cell phones. Each crew is assigned an individual bin for cell phone collection. Once the phones are collected they are then locked inside a cabinet until the end of the day where they are returned to the crew’s for students to retrieve them before going home for the day.

Please see the list of special events for the month of December and contact the school to sign-up to volunteer.

I’m looking forward to another great week…let’s go TIGERS!

Yours in Education,

Ricardo Franklin, Sr.

Founding Principal


Curriculum Updates
MATH Scholars will review for their unit assessment and take their unit 3 assessment on Tuesday. Scholars will finish Unit 4 and preparing to take the end of unit assessment. Scholars will continue on unit 4; linear equations an systems of equations. Students will also receive missing work to complete over Thanksgiving Break.
SCIENCE Scholars show take their end of unit assessment on soil on Monday Scholars will be taking their end of unit assessment on energy this week. Scholars will wrap-up their unit on the layers of the earth.
ENGLISH Scholars will be reading informational text to gain knowledge and identify the meaning of unfamiliar words. They will also continue reading their novel Bud Not Buddy and connect the events from one text to those experienced in another.   Scholars will continue their study of the impact technology has on adolescents brain development. This week they will examine their research questions (what are the potential risks and benefits of screen time on teens?) through the lens of a video source and an article source. Scholars will be quizzed on the skills they’ve gone over thus far in their Uprising unit, particularly analyzing author’s purpose and perspective before continuing on with their reading of the novel.
SOCIAL STUDIES Scholars will be completing their unit test on Monday. They will end the week with the history of Thanksgiving. Scholars will be reviewing for their TEST (Tuesday). The test is a culmination of their Middle Ages unit thus far which includes discussion about their 7th grade essential question, “What makes a morally courageous person?” Scholars will be watching “the Flood” which will introduce the students to Global Warming. Throughout the Thanksgiving Break, students will be researching modern effects of global warming and write an essay discussing carbon emissions in Cleveland.

Operations, Special Events & Updates

  1. 11/26: Turkey Jam (school dance/volunteers needed)
  1. 11/27-29: NO SCHOOL (Thanksgiving)
  1. 12/16-12/20: Spirit Week
  1. 12/19: Winter Celebration of Learning (volunteers needed for set up)
  1. 12/23-1/3: Winter Break

Current School data

Attendance – 93.1% Pass/Fail Rate – 42.2%    Suspension Rate – 7.2%