We Can Code IT: Interest Night

WE CAN CODE IT Interest On Thursday, March 16th, we are working collaboratively with We Can Code IT to host our second interest night for families who want to explore a future career in coding.
What: We Can Code IT is a coding academy that helps people learn how to code and get lucrative jobs in tech. You will be able to meet with members of We Can Code IT and try out coding, and learn more about the We Can Code IT bootcamp that starts at the end of March. Interested participants can apply to the bootcamp on site.
Why: Bootcamp graduate’s starting salaries often are about $40K for entry level software developer positions and there is a money-back guarantee for job placement within 6 months of completion of the bootcamp. The bootcamp will prepare participants in C#, which is an in-demand job in Cleveland.
Who: Any member of a Breakthrough Schools family who has a high school diploma, GED, or equivalent, and is at least 18 years old. No previous coding or programming experience is necessary!
When/Where: Thursday, March 16th from 4-5 pm at Village Prep Willard 2220 W 95th St, Cleveland, 44102. Child care, cookies, and juice will be provided.
Bootcamp Details:
Two Options:
Full Time: 12 Weeks, Monday-Friday 9:30-3:30
Part Time: 20 Weeks, Monday- Thursday Evenings 5:30 – 9:00pm
Bootcamp includes: Learning C#, Career Counseling, and LinkedIN Professional
Profile Pictures
Can’t make it? There are also coding interest events hosted by We Can Code It on March 13th from 6-7:30 pm and March 20th from 6-7:30 pm at 500 Public Square, Suite 200. Please see visit https://wecancodeit.org/ to find out more about these events.