Test Prep Events

Dear CLA-EAST Families,

I wanted to share with you ways that you can get involved during the testing season.
(1) Test Prep Pep Rally’s. We will have two test prep pep rally’s on; Monday, April 16th at 8:00 am and on Monday, April 30th at 8:00 am. Families can get involved by coming ready compete against and long-side the CLA-EAST middle school scholars. Activities and games will have an academic and physical focus. The pep rally’s will run from 8:00 am to 9:00 am. We would also like for families attending and not attending, to write letters or poems of encouragement. The letters can be read at the pep rally and posted around the school.

(2) Cheer’on Tuesday’s. There will be two opportunities to bring love to the school. On Tuesday, April 17th at 7:30 am and on Tuesday, May 1st at 7:30 am., families are being asked to bring healthy snacks for the scholars. Things such as granola bars, fresh fruit, dried-fresh veggies, whole grain muffins, etc. We will set up a “brain food” distribution station in the teachers’ lounge. Immediately following breakfast and as the scholars are entering their crew rooms, moms and dads will be there to clap-in the scholars, give high fives and motivation.

(3) Protectors of the Testing Environment. We are looking for the dad’s, big brothers, uncles, and all strong men of CLA-EAST. On April 17 and 18th then again on May 1 and 2nd, the men of CLA-EAST will serve as the protectors of the testing environment. Call the school and speak to Mr. Franklin for details.


Yours In Education,

Mr. Franklin