Spring Break Work

We hope you have an enjoyable and restful spring break! In order to maintain and review content and skills, teachers have provided assignments for the break. Those assignments are listed below. If you have questions about spring break work, please contact Ms. Keck (meghan.keck@citizensleadership.org) for English, writing, and social studies or Mr. Slopnick (michael.slopnick@citizensleadership.org) for math and science. Thank you!

6th grade

English – Essay on how video games affect health

Math – Review Packet

Social studies – Study guide and questions

Science – 6th Science SB Packet

7th grade

English – Essay on whether elementary students should switch classes

Math – Review Packet

Social studies – Finish Renaissance red carpet project (instructions and work time given in class)

Science – Review Packet

Writing – Family Interview

8th grade

English – Essay on Affirmative Action

Math – Review Packet

Social studies – Photo and caption documenting an injustice

Science – Review packet