Fall Break Letter

October 7, 2014,


Dear CLA Families,

You should each be incredibly proud of your scholar for successfully completing three interim exams. All students were focused and took their time on each assessment. Today the students took a step back from testing and had the opportunity to participate in various fieldwork. The 6th graders attended the art museum to view the Egyptian statues, the 7th graders took a nature walk at Dike 14 and had a picnic lunch, and lastly the 8th graders heard from a speaker at the Cozad-Bates house. Each student completed a field guide, please talk with your child about their experiences today and how it ties into the case study!

Additionally, progress reports were distributed to students today. This is the last time progress reports will be sent home prior to report cards. As you are reviewing your scholar’s grades, if you have any questions please contact the teachers or myself.

Lastly, just a friendly reminder about some upcoming dates:

  • Fall Break –      Wednesday, October 8 – Monday, October 13
  • Report Card Mailings      – Friday, October 24
  • Student Led Conferences – Thursday, October 30 – Friday, October 31 (please call Ms. Pratt      if you have not already scheduled one)
  • Round 2 After School Clubs – October 27 – December 18 (sign up form is passed out      separately)



Have a wonderful weekend!





Sydney S. Gruhin
