Breakthrough Public Schools holds an unwavering commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). We understand that DEI is an evolutionary journey. As we invest in the resources that help us reach our DEI goals, we pledge to create a psychologically safe learning environment that centers open dialogue, individual growth, and personal belonging.
Throughout this journey, we strive to hold ourselves accountable to...
We commit to partnering with educators and staff with varied perspectives, abilities, and lived experiences. We seek to connect our scholars to teachers, leaders, and curriculum that represent their cultural backgrounds and histories, and to expose them to information and opportunities that expand their knowledge base.
We will continuously examine and refresh our school policies, administrative procedures, and operating practices so that they are transparent, fair, and meet the needs of our community.
We are committed to creating a community climate where uniqueness is both welcomed and celebrated. In our schools, we learn together, work together, and play together; everyone belongs at Breakthrough.