Citizens Family – Febuary Letter
Hello Citizens Family!
I am excited to share another message with you about the transition to middle school. The first step in this transition is to submit a new enrollment form and documents to the Citizens Leadership school your scholar will be attending. You can do this by calling the Enrollment department at 216-367-5720 or by signing up at
I remember that when my children transitioned from elementary school to middle school one of the biggest changes in addition to the added responsibility was their ability to sign-up for after-school activities. The activities ranged from sports to art to robotics. I remember my children wanting to try them all. I wanted to know what the after-school options included so that I could help my children make their selections. I thought you might be wondering the same thing.
There are many sports and clubs offered at the Citizens Leadership schools led by teachers or volunteers. The offerings vary by campus and change each semester. Sports at each school require try-outs.
Citizens Leadership Academy (CLA)
The CLA campus offers a variety of sports including cross country, track and field, cheerleading, co-ed soccer, girls’ volleyball, and girls’ and boys’ basketball. Clubs offered to scholars include tech team, yearbook, chess, Lego robotics, guitar, step, and homework club. Additionally, CLA offers a number of tutoring and mentoring opportunities with CLA staff and students from a number of high performing local high schools. They also have ongoing partnerships with local organizations to offer additional arts-based programming including drama and choir.
Citizens Leadership Academy East (CLAE)
At Citizens Leadership Academy East (CLAE) there are sports like girls’ volleyball and girls’ and boys’ basketball. There are other interesting clubs and activities like mentorvention, CLAE TV, tutoring, game board club, and others. CLAE TV is a club where scholars learn about broadcasting and starting their own school media station with videos.
Citizens Leadership Academy Southeast (CLAS)
Citizens Leadership Academy Southeast (CLAS) will open this Fall with a founding class of 6th graders and grow to a full 6th – 8th middle school in the next few years. There will be a host of clubs and afterschool activities at CLAS including co-ed track in the fall and again in the spring, and basketball for boys and girls in the late fall and winter. The school is excited to meet students and families to find out other types of clubs and activities they want and what expertise parents have!
Get to know Citizens Leadership at upcoming CA PAC Meetings! Families and guardians of 5th grade scholars are especially invited to these upcoming PAC meetings at your school to learn more about Citizens Leadership middle schools and complete your enrollment:
February 12th CAE PAC, 5PM – Topic: What should students expect from middle school?
February 21h CA PAC, 5:30pm – Topic: What is Expeditionary Learning?
February 28th CAS PAC, 5PM -Topic: What should students expect from middle school?
And, of course, if you ever have any questions about anything related to Enrollment or Engagement, let me know.
Thanks so much for your time, and for your commitment to your child’s education. I can attest personally, even though some days are tough, it’s worth it in the long run.
All the best,
Kareemah Williams
Parent of Two Breakthrough Alum (now in college!)
Former Board Member of Citizens Academy
Former Board Member of Breakthrough Schools
Current Managing Director of Enrollment & Engagement
(216) 367-5720 |