Search Results

Search results below! If you have trouble finding anything you need, please contact us!

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Summer Work Packets

Please see the 2016-2017 summer work packets below.  Each page on the summer packet needs to be completed for a grade and students should be prepared to discuss the novel during the first week of school. For paper copies and the novels, please visit Citizens Leadership Academy between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Rising 8th English…


Breakthrough Schools earns Entrepreneur of the Year Award for 2016!

Breakthrough Schools is so honored to receive the Ernst & Young Entrepreneurs of the Year Award for Northeast Ohio. Alan Rosskamm and John Zitzner accepted the award on behalf of all the students, staff, teachers, leaders, parents, families, board members, and supporters of our organization. Congrats to everyone on such on honor!


My Hope Is That All Cleveland Kids Can Benefit From a Quality Education Like I Did

LETTERS FROM ALUMNI SERIES, 2016 TERRANCE REYNOLDS, E PREP CLIFFS ALUMNI I am writing to tell you a little bit about where I am in life now thanks to the education I received at Breakthrough Schools. I was born and raised in Cleveland. Before going to Breakthrough, I attended several other primary schools but did…

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CLA Graduation Letter

Please find important information regarding 8th Grade Graduation and end of year transportation below Thanks, Graduation and End of Year 2016

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CLA Enrollment Opportunity – New 6th, 7th and 8th graders

CLA Families, Please see the flier below for more information about CLA’s Open House Night at CLA on May 4th.  Bring a friend and receive two free CLA uniform shirts and a dress down pass; as well as a pizza dinner! RSVP at 216-229-8185 CLA Friends Family Flyer 042216

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CLA 8th Grade Trip Letter

Families, Please find the 8th grade Washington D.C. trip letter below.  Please contact the school with any questions. Eighth Grade Trip Letter April 4, 2016

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CLA NGA Testing Information

Families, Please find our 2016 Next Generation Assessment information below.  Please contact the school with any questions. Letter to Families – NGA – April 6

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Spring Break Work

We hope you have an enjoyable and restful spring break! In order to maintain and review content and skills, teachers have provided assignments for the break. Those assignments are listed below. If you have questions about spring break work, please contact Ms. Keck ( for English, writing, and social studies or Mr. Slopnick ( for…

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Our new website!

We are really excited to have launched our new website! Take it for a spin, and please send along any helpful observations or comments!


New Campus coming to Cudell neighborhood coming soon!

CLEVELAND, Ohio – The highly successful Breakthrough charter school partnership plans to open new versions of its Village Prep and E-Prep schools on the West Side over the next two years. The Cleveland school board gave initial approval last week for a new Village Prep to start in the fall at the old Willard school at…