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CLA2HS November Newsletter

October 26, 2016 Dear CLA Students, Parents/Guardians, Please read the following updates and reminders regarding open houses, shadow days, entrance exams, and financial aid forms. IMPORTANT DUE DATES are approaching! Attached is a calendar for the month of November listing Open House and Admissions Testing dates. Applications- For those scholars applying to schools requiring applications,…

Vote For Issue 108

Support Issue 108 and High Quality Education in Cleveland

As recently reported on, we wanted to share about Issue 108 and why it’s important not only for Breakthrough Schools, but for quality public education in Cleveland. CLEVELAND.COM Here’s why it’s in every Cleveland citizen’s interest to vote “Yes” on Issue 108 to renew the Cleveland school-reform levy: *School reforms are working. Just a few years into…

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CLA Ferpa Notification

Please see the attached FERPA notification regarding student records and Citizens Leadership Academy.   CLA-FERPA-Notification-2016

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CLA To High School – October Newsletter

    September 26, 2016 Dear CLA Students, Parents, Guardians and Families, I can hardly believe it is already October! In order to ensure that we are all on the same page, I will send home monthly letters and calendars to keep you up to speed on important dates and deadlines concerning your student and…

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Letter from the Principal: 2016 Results Update

Dear CLA Families, Friends, and Alumni, We are so delighted to share the good news that CLA was the #2 school out of 123 K-8 public district and charter schools in Cleveland for Academic Progress. That means our CLA scholars demonstrated more academic growth than almost any sixth, seventh, and eighth graders in Cleveland. We…

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CLA Transportation Memo

Please see the CLA Transportation Memo below.  Questions can be directed to CLA’s main office or CMSD’s transportation office on Ridge Rd.   CLA-transportation-memo-9152016

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CLA – September 14 Incident Letter

    Dear parents, This letter is to inform you about a security incident that we had this morning. Our school is committed to the safety and education of all our students. We also want to clearly communicate with our parents when safety issues arise. This morning around 11:15, CLA received a call from a…

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CLA Conference Sign-up

Winter conferences are Wednesday, Feb. 15, in the afternoon and Thursday, Feb. 16. in the morning. Use the links below to sign up for your child’s student-led conference. Select the name of your child’s crew leader to schedule the conference. If you have questions, please contact the main office at 216-229-8185.   6-1 Spade/Gardner 6-2 Garcia…


Breakthrough Schools, Menlo Park Academy land $10M in state grants for West Side expansion

Originally printed in on August 19, 2016 CLEVELAND, Ohio – Menlo Park Academy and theBreakthrough charter schools will receive the largest grants from the state from a new $25 million fund to help charters rehabilitate or build schools. Menlo Park’s gifted program, now located in the West Park neighborhood of Cleveland, will receive $4.6 million for…

Breakthrough Schools students visit PBS Newshour

Students visit PBS NewsHour with Judy Woodruff at NPR’s Ideastream!

Two students from Breakthrough Schools visited PBS NewsHour with Judy Woodruff at NPR’s Ideastream – thanks to NPR, Ideastream, NewsHour, and Judy for taking the time! What a great experience for our students.