Breakthrough ranks among top public charter school networks nationwide
CREDO at Stanford University just released the results from its in-depth analysis of 283 school networks nationwide. Breakthrough Schools in Cleveland, Ohio is ranked #10 nationally in reading and #13 nationally in math. Using sophisticated multi-year analysis, CREDO is able to determine how well students perform academically compared to their peers in neighboring schools. The impact of…

National charter school leaders oppose Trump’s education budget
Originally published on Cleveland.com CLEVELAND, Ohio – The Breakthrough charter schools here in Cleveland today joined a group of 20 high-scoring charter school operators in opposing President Donald Trump’s education budget. Though charter schools would receive $168 million more money through Trump’s plan, they school leaders oppose cuts in federal support to traditional school districts. “We…

CLA 6th Graders Displayed Their Graphic Novels At An “Inventors’ Fair”
CLA sixth graders displayed their graphic novels at an “inventors’ fair” and staff, families, and seventh- and eighth-grade students enjoyed learning from them! Next they’ll share their work at Citizens Academy and E Prep & Village Prep Cliffs Campus.

We Can Code IT: Interest Night
WE CAN CODE IT Interest On Thursday, March 16th, we are working collaboratively with We Can Code IT to host our second interest night for families who want to explore a future career in coding. What: We Can Code IT is a coding academy that helps people learn how to code and get lucrative jobs…

Students Learn To Code Using Lego Robotics
A little lego robotics to round out the week at Citizens Academy East. This week students wrapped up the code to start making the robot move in different directions.

Eden: “The Citizen Academy Way” — Why a Cleveland Charter Succeeds in a Failure Zone
When Staci Pratt, a math instruction specialist, came to Citizens Academy in 2003, the one proficient math student had just transferred out. But after more than a decade of hard work by Pratt and her colleagues, CA now boasts an 88 percent proficiency rate, serves more than 400 students and has spun off two sister…

CLA Winter Break Packets
CLA Families, Below are the CLA winter break packets. The packets count as both a mastery and habit grade. 6th Grade 6th Grade Math Winter Break Packet 6th Grade Social Studies Winter Break Packet 6th Grade English Winter Break Packet 7th Grade 7th Grade Math Winter Break Packet 7th Grade Winter Break English Packet…