Article of the Week

Dear CLA families,

We are excited to introduce our first article of the week! Each Monday, all of our students will get an article of the week to read and complete the associated activities. The article and questions are due back the following Monday for a mastery grade in English class. Articles will also be posted on the CLA website. Download the first article here: 1 – Pumpkins from another planet

The purpose of the article of the week is to strengthen our scholars’ reading comprehension, particularly with informational/nonfiction texts. The activities that follow are designed to provide a variety of practice opportunities with vocabulary, part A/part B questions, summarizing, and text evidence, all areas of growth for our students based on their interim exam (practice NGA) results.

You can support your student by reading the article of the week with him or her and discussing the questions. You are welcome to read the questions with your student and to discuss your thought process for answering the questions, but make sure your student completes the activities without significant help.

Please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions!

CLA humanities team