Hello all parents, grandparents, and family members in all our schools:

I hope you are having a great (hot!?) summer. We're all looking forward to welcoming you back to school the week of August 13th. On our end, we're upgrading our facilities, working on lesson plans, and lining up some really exciting projects and opportunities for all our scholars in all our schools.

Today, I’m writing to ask you for your help: I want to make sure everybody out there who might want to enroll in our schools knows they are able. We still have room for about 300 more young scholars to enroll in various grades at each campus.

If you know any friend/family/coworkers who might be interested in enrolling, please let them know we'd love to have them in our family of schools.

I set up a form you can fill out to refer a friend or family member: https://breakthroughschools.org/share-school-friend/

Here is a list of some of our grades with current openings. This is likely to change by August, so if they are interested, July is the time to enroll:

Citizens Schools

  • CA: Openings in K & 2
  • CAE: Openings in K & 4
  • CAS: Openings in 4 & 5
  • CLA: Openings in 6
  • CLAE: Openings in 7

Prep Schools

  • VP Cliffs: Openings in K & 2
  • EP Cliffs: Openings in 6
  • VP Willard: Openings in K
  • EP Willard: Openings in 7
  • VP Woodland Hills: Openings in K
  • EP Woodland Hills: Openings in 5-6

Thank you so much for your time. I really appreciate it. Don't hesitate to contact me anytime if you have any questions or want to talk about the upcoming school year!



Kareemah Williams
Parent of Two Breakthrough Alums (Now in College!)
Director of Engagement & Enrollment
Call: (216) 367-5720 | Text: (216) 800-7166
Email: kwilliams@breakthroughschools.org