Family Weekly Updates

Greetings CLA-EAST Families!  

Celebrate! We have completed our first week of the 2019-2020 school year. Thank you for your patience and commitment to quality service as we worked through our arrival and dismissal procedures. The Citizens East Campus (CLAE/CAE) has a large student enrollment with over 600 students K-8 which makes us one of the largest K-8 schools on the east side of Cleveland. We have received great feedback from our families throughout the week to which our administration teams, along with other staff, have worked hard to fine-tune the arrival/dismissal procedures.

Week 2 at our school is a very important week. All CLAE scholars will be taking their beginning of the year assessments so we need everyone at school each day. In math and English, scholars will be taking the NWEA Map assessments. This along with the student learning objective assessment (SLO) in Social Studies, 6th and 7th grade Science, and all specials classes, gives us academic data that we use in various ways throughout the school year. This week if the first of three times your scholar(s) will take this benchmark assessment this school year (mid-year & end of the year).

August and September are the tone-setting months in terms of student attendance. Studies show that the more time a child spends in school, the more likely they are to grow academically and a trend towards stronger grades. For those reasons and many more, your scholars must attend school EVERY DAY! Strong attendance habits at the start of the school year translate to strong attendance throughout the entire year.

This week be on the lookout for your parent access letter to your scholars PowerSchool account. This is your access to check your scholar’s grades and overall performance. Although progress reports are sent home every two weeks, I encourage all families to periodically check their child’s grades and make a commitment to communicating with our teachers with questions and concerns. All staff can be reached by email (, by phone (216-532-5900) or by appointment.

Lastly, please send any outstanding forms and paperwork (emergency/new contact information) to the main office to the attention of Ms. Scott. This and every Friday at CLAE is an early dismissal. Please be sure you have made plans for your scholar to be picked up at 1:00 pm.

I’m looking forward to another great week…let’s go TIGERS!

Yours in Education,

Ricardo Franklin, Sr.

Founding Principal


Operations, Special Events & Updates

  • 8/20 –/ 21: NWEA Map Testing
  • 8/20: Fire Drill
  • 8/26 – 8/30: SLO Testing
  • 9/2 – NO SCHOOL (Labor Day)
  • 9/12 – Curriculum Night (5:30 pm – 6:30 pm)
  • 9/13 – NO SCHOOL (Staff PD Day)
  1. 10/10 – Student Led Conference (4:00 pm – 7:00 pm)
  1. 10/11 – Student-Led Conference (8:00 am – 12:00 pm)
  1. 10/11 – NO SCHOOL (AM conference day)
  1. 10/14 – 10/18: NO SCHOOL (Fall Break)

Current School data

Attendance – Coming soon Pass/Fail Rate – Coming soon      Suspension Rate – Coming soon