Breakthrough Bulletin – Summer 2024
Dear Breakthrough Supporters,
With immense pleasure and heartfelt gratitude, I am delighted to connect with you and extend a warm welcome to our debut edition of the Breakthrough Bulletin. This quarterly newsletter serves as a platform to spotlight the remarkable endeavors unfolding within our school community. As you know, at Breakthrough, we are committed to providing scholars with the academic, social, and emotional skills necessary to excel at learning and citizenship from kindergarten through eighth-grade promotion. We are committed to the success of every child.
We have made huge strides toward realizing this mission, but our work is still ongoing. As we look to the future, we recognize the challenges that lie aheadā€”challenges that can only be overcome with your continued partnership and support. Together, we can ensure that every child has access to the education they deserve, equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to succeed beyond the classroom.
As we embark on this journey together, my vision is clear: to continue building a high-performing network of student and family-centered schools that serve as beacons of joy, love, and academic excellence. This vision is grounded in the belief that every child deserves access to quality education enriched by a supportive community that nurtures their growth and potential.
Please stay connected with us to see firsthand the impact of your support and share in our successes. Your ongoing involvement and commitment are essential as we strive to build a brighter, more inclusive future for all. In closing, I want to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you for your generosity, your passion, and your belief in Breakthrough Public Schools. Together, we are making a difference, one scholar at a time. Thank you for your unwavering commitment, and I look forward to continuing our journey together.
With respect and gratitude,