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CLA Construction Updates

Citizens Leadership Academy families,   Citizens Leadership Academy has been working with Terrace construction and the City of Cleveland to minimize any disruptions to the CLA school day.  The construction…

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Interim Exams

Tuesday, September 30, 2014   Dear CLA families,   As noted on the school calendar and mentioned during Curriculum Night, this week is our first round of interim exams in…

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October CLA2HS

  September 26th, 2014   Dear CLA Students, Parents, Guardians and Families, I can hardly believe it is already October!  Please read the following updates and reminders regarding open houses,…

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September CLA2HS Letter

      September 2, 2014   Dear CLA Parents, Guardians and Families, I hope that your student has had a great start to their eighth grade year at Citizens…

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September PAC Meeting

Families, please view the September 17th PAC flier here: September PAC flier.    

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State Report Card

September 11, 2014 Dear Citizens Leadership Academy Families, Tomorrow, Ohio will release the report cards for all public schools, and I wanted to be sure that you heard our results…

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CLA Families

September 5, 2014,   Dear CLA Families, It is hard to believe that we are in September already and finishing up the third week of school! This week had a…

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CLA Families

September 8, 2014,   Dear CLA Families, It is hard to believe that we are in September already and are beginning the fourth week of school! Last week had a…

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Upcoming Events

Thursday, August 28, 2014   CLA Families,   We have had a successful second week of school! This week our 6th and 7th grade students continued their Bee Mini-Expedition; they…

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Citizen Leadership Academy's week 1 recap

  August 22, 2014,   Dear CLA Families, Welcome to the 2014-2015 school year! We are excited to start our fourth year with you and your student(s). We are looking…