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New Principal Announcement: Citizens Academy

Dear CA Families, I hope this finds you staying safe and healthy during this global pandemic and widespread civil unrest.  Our thoughts and prayers are always with you, and we…

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New Principal Announcement: Citizens Leadership Academy Southeast

Dear CLAS Family, I hope you and your loved ones are safe and healthy in these turbulent times. My name is Emily Rogoff and I am thrilled to introduce myself…

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Ready Set Go 2020: Week 5

Hello new Breakthrough Schools families!  If you are new to receiving this regular communication, Ready Set Go, for new families and scholars or if you have received previous editions I…

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Statement from our CEO

Dear Breakthrough Families, I write today to share my overwhelming feelings of outrage, frustration, and unspeakable sadness for the horrific murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, and for what it…

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Family Update: School Calendar for 2020-21

Dear Breakthrough Families, As we celebrate our graduates and conclude what has been the absolute strangest end to a school year in our life times, we are also proactively thinking…

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Breakthrough Family Update – May 2020

Dear Breakthrough Families,   My name is Andrew McRae, and I am the new Chief Academic Officer at Breakthrough Schools. Before the school year dramatically changed, we had some great…

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Ready Set Go 2020: Week 4

School may be out, but Breakthrough Schools are still in session. We’ve launched Online Distance learning for K-8 scholars, are providing Chromebooks and iPads for free to families, and are…

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Ready Set Go 2020: Week 3

Hello, I recently read an article that started with a question: Do you begin your day with an endless to-do list or acknowledging what is working well?  The article went…


A is for Asynchronous

Chris O’Brien Managing Director of Schools β€œAnd isn’t it ironic? Don’t ya think?” – Alanis Morrisette A decade after those lyrics rang out over the airways, we find ourselves in…

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Ready Set Go 2020: Week 2

Hello, We have been staying at home and staying apart together for several weeks and we still have several weeks to go.  This has been an unusual and for some…